
Treading water or thriving? Helping your council survive and succeed in the new financial reality

The financial landscape for local government is changing rapidly. This article describes the challenges councils face and the tools and approaches they can use to weather these challenges and thrive in the new environment.

The subjects raised in this article are covered in more detail in my training sessions and this article lists the training sessions arranged to date.

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Comments on IPPR’s “Better Rates”

On 19 June 2016, IPPR published a report “Better Rates“, setting out analysis of the proposals for 100% Business Rates Retention, and recommendations for an alternative system. This LinkedIn article is my commentary on that report.

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Five steps to local authority funding

Nine months into the new Parliament, the shape of local government funding in England for the next four years is fairly clear. There have been five central government “events” that have revealed this picture. The first was an announcement on business rates and revenue support grant (RSG) on 5 October. The second was a combined Spending Review (SR) and Autumn Statement on 25 November. The provisional and final local government finance settlements were published on 17 December and 8 February. Finally there was the Budget on 16 March.

My article on p12 of LGiU’s C’llr magazine summarises the picture emerging from these events.

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Further thoughts on final settlement

The second of my two LinkedIn articles on the final Local Government Finance Settlement 2016-17.

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